At Scribes Digital Print Ltd, we strive to achieve a set of business quality objectives that drive our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. These objectives are designed to ensure that we consistently deliver high-quality products and services that meet and exceed the expectations of our clients.

1. Product Quality: Our first objective is to maintain the highest standards of product quality. We continuously monitor and improve our manufacturing processes to ensure that our products meet all relevant industry standards, regulations, and customer specifications. By implementing rigorous quality control measures, we aim to deliver products that are reliable, durable, and perform at their best.

2. Customer Satisfaction: Our ultimate goal is to provide exceptional customer satisfaction. We listen to our customers’ feedback and work tirelessly to meet their needs and exceed their expectations. By understanding their requirements, addressing their concerns, and offering timely and effective support, we aim to build long-lasting relationships with our clients and create a positive experience at every touchpoint.

3. Continuous Improvement: We believe in constantly striving for improvement in all aspects of our business. Our objective is to foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging our employees to seek innovative solutions, embrace new technologies, and identify areas for enhancement. Through regular training programs, performance evaluations, and feedback channels, we ensure that our team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

4. Operational Efficiency: We are committed to achieving operational efficiency throughout our business. By optimising our processes, streamlining workflows, and minimizing waste, we aim to deliver our products and services in a timely manner without compromising on quality. Our objective is to maximize productivity, reduce costs, and enhance overall efficiency, enabling us to offer competitive pricing and added value to our customers.

5. Compliance and Ethical Standards: We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of compliance and ethical practices. Our objective is to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. We promote a culture of integrity, transparency, and responsible business conduct, ensuring that our operations are conducted in an ethical and sustainable manner.

By setting and striving to achieve these business quality objectives, we aim to continuously improve our products, services, and overall customer experience. We remain committed to delivering excellence in everything we do, providing our customers with the highest level of quality and satisfaction.

Latest Quality Objectives Review 21/11/23

This document details the Quality Objectives for the Organisation and its various departments for the coming year. Information regarding these objectives has been communicated to all interested parties and at all levels within our organisation.



Responsible for Achievement

Measured by

Measured by Whom

Target KPI


Implementation of website automation






Improvement of automated workflow 






Improvement of customer service

All Staff






















What are the main objectives within the business:

  • Defects: Send out fewer than X percent of products with a defect.
  • Performance: Increase product performance to X hours of use.
  • Efficiency: Improve operational efficiency by X percent.
  • Safety: Have zero safety incidents in the workplace or zero product recalls.
  • Delivery: Achieve X percent of on-time deliveries.
  • Customer service: Maintain a customer satisfaction rate of X percent.

Details on how we plan to achieve each of these Objectives have been documented and can be found in M04 Planning to achieve Quality Objectives.

Authorised By:  Mr Carl Morton

Title: Managing Director

Review Date:  21/11/23